Chris & Amy's Wedding
Whoopie pies...mmm.  YUM, just writing this post is making me hungry.  :)  These tasty treats are a New England delicacy and a Pennsylvania Amish tradition. Can you believe whoopie pies have a Wikipedia entry?  I found out these desserts were baked by Amish women with left over cake batter. The ladies would pack them in the Amish men's lunch boxes, and legend has it the men would yell "WHOOPIE!" when they found them in their lunch box.  I think I used to do the same thing in school when my mom packed them for me.  Who wouldn't?  If you have never had a whoopie pie before, they are created with two light fluffy chocolate round cakes and sandwiched together with a sweet frosting in the middle.  You are in luck, because Chris and I are going to have whoopie pies for you to snack on at our wedding! If you want the recipe, just email me and I'll share it with you. can even find it on epicurious (or a version of my recipe anyways).  It is a no fail, crowd pleaser...I promise.